The Way I Deal With Stress


I have always been an active person. Recently, the level of activity has decreased significantly due to the pressures of work and just general life. At one time, I forgot that whenever I was stressed, I used to dance it away and forget all about it. One of my mottos is ‘dance for life’. This is because, if you don’t dance for anybody, at least dance for life – dance for your very existence. It combats physical stress as well as mental and emotional stress. Blast the headphones, blast the stereos and just take part in your own scene.

Be Active Moodboard


I love putting together these things. They remind me to keep these actions in mind…

1. Dance

If you remember to dance, you remember that there is freedom in expression. Dance the stress away! Dance for fun, dance for love, dance for YOU, just dance!

2. Charm

Be a charming person. Be lovely and alluring – be a little gem – be pleasant to those around you.

3. Stretch

Stretch everyday! It keeps you more mobile and more energetic.

4. Walk

Take a walk often. It clears the mind. It gives you space. It gets you through your chaos.

5. Muse

Always strive for inspiration! read inspiring books, read exalting quotes. Observe nature, observe people, observe art and listen.

6. Pose

Always have your best pose in the bag, you never know when than next photo op can lead to something great!

7. Meditate

Pray and speak what you want into your life. Sit and breathe. Sit and breathe. In, out, in, out.

8. Observe

Always look and observe! You learn a new thing everyday but it is important to study that thing that you have learnt by observing hard.

9. Simulate

Recreate, act and be that person that you want to be in life.

You can be anybody in this world – simulate it!